The Right Fat


Eating the right sort of fat is tantamount to a good and balanced diet. Nicola Graimes will dispel the myths about fats, including information on which fats are healthy, how to avoid trans fats, how to increase your intake of mono- and poly-unsaturated fats, what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol and what should your daily fat intake be.

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We’ve switched to low-fat foods, but are we any healthier? Research suggests not! Nicola Graimes in her new book suggests that now’s the time to make a stand for fat – but explains that we have to be eating the right types in the right amounts for good health in the long term. Fat is an important source of energy and vital for cell growth, hormone regulation, cognitive development and supports good heart, gut and skin health.

Nicola Graimes celebrates the ‘right’ fats, not only highlighting their numerous health attributes, but also their diversity and the enjoyment they give to our cooking and eating. Her book dispels many of the myths surrounding fats, including which fats are healthy and the ones to avoid. It also showcases the best ways to prepare and cook fats for maximum nutrition and flavour.

With over 50 delicious and vibrant recipes covering Breakfasts, Small Plates, Big Plates, Sides and Treats as well as easy-to-understand nutritional advice, the book provides the complete package to sensible right-fat eating for the long term and not a quick-fix diet. The book highlights that balance is key, with other food groups, such as good-quality plant proteins and right carbs, being equally important.

The Right Fat is a practical and inspirational approach to maintaining a healthy way of eating – it’s time to revive our enjoyment of this valuable food group.

Additional information

Weight 322 g
Dimensions 18.5 × 13.5 × 1.7 cm










613.284 (edition:23)


General – Trade / Code: K


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