Support La Biblioteka while listening to great audiobooks

We’ve partnered with to offer our customers an independent platform for audiobooks, that benefits us with each membership and udiobooks sold. readers love local bookshops for their community, curation, and culture, and they strive to provide that same experience no matter where you are.

How Compares to Other Audiobook Services:

Over 400,000 titles
First month for FREE!
12.99 monthly fee (one audiobook/month)
30% off additional audiobooks and gifts
Free iOS and Android App
Membership credits never expire
Supports independent bookstores
DRM-Free (listen on multiple devices)
Recommendations from indie booksellers
Ad-free browsing and listening
Pays a fair rate to publishers and authors

Get Started

  • Visiit, select your first audiobook to purchase and follow the steps to create an account.
  • After your purchase, you’ll receive a confirmation email with instructions to download the iOS or Android App, for easy listening on your mobile device.
  • Start Listening. Sign into the app and download your audiobook(s) to your device.
  • Enjoy and thank you for supporting La Biblioteka!

Get Your First month for FREE!

Your first month is FREE and then £9.95 per month when you start a monthly membership. The monthly fee equates to one audiobook credit which you can use at any time, for any of the 400,000+ audiobooks available on

Free audiobook with membership

For a limited time, when you sign up for a new monthly membership with code CHOOSEINDIE, we’ll give you a bonus audiobook! That means you’ll have 2 audiobook credits to redeem from the start.